How the hell are ya and welcome to the blog of the Liberal Redneck. Everyone thinks rednecks are conservative idiots and a lot of 'em are that's for damned sure. But not all of us. WHA Hell... everyone's got a little red on their neck. It just means you work for a livin'.
It means you like your family and you don't like givin' everything you got to the gubment. It means you also stick for them folks who don't got as much as you. It means you give toys to tots and help little ol' ladies carry their groceries. It means you hang out with your buddies and watch football and/or NASCAR depending on who's playin'.
It also means the you stick up for the people who stick up for you. Right now... it ain't the Republicans for damned sure. They sticking to the soldiers in Iraq. They stuck it to our friend down in New Orleans and they stick to every workin' man in America cause the bastards let the gas prices go up. All them sonsabitches like Bonzo Reagan. My grandmother was right, "Reagan was an ok actor but I don't think he'd make a very good president." Well... he didn't run the White House. Old Bush did with his cronies. Guess what his idiot boy who fell off the turnip truck is runnin' it now and he ain't got a lick a sense.
He wanted to screw with social security. It got him bit in the ASS. He wants to control the illegal immigrants. Sure try it... you gonna have to improve Mexico to get'em to go back. The bastards are willing to die to git think they're worried about some damned border patrol.
Ah well... I've ranted enough I reckon. Come on back and hit the liberal redneck again. I'm gonna call'em like I see 'em and it won't always be pretty I guess. Just make sure you come back. And Remember...chances are you ain't rich enuff to be a Republican.