Wednesday, December 07, 2005

George and His Dick

I reckon the P and VP are horses' asses. They keepa hollerin' "we gotta stay the course, we're gonna win the war." Bullshit... why don't George by like Andrew and lead the troops hisself? He's a pussy. Dick chickedened out a war and George's daddy bought his way out. But... we gotta do somethin' to win don't we.

Well... we need to escalate this war I reckon so we need more troops. How we gonna get 'em. We lower entrance requirements first. Then we can reinstate the draft. Yep... this lottery won't be the Powerball that's for damned sure. If all these bastard running the country gave a shit about the men and women who fight for this country, they wouldn't call on 'em to rule the world. That's what they're doin' too. They want to run the show and the rest of the world can talk when we pull their mouthes away from our zipper. Yep... that's our George and His Dick.

Anyone ever see that Top Gun movie years back... had Cruisentologist in it? Well.. the California congressman all the Top Gun stuff is about sold his soul to Mammon and I hope he can get forgiveness from God cause he sure ain't gettin' it from me. That sunovabitch took all the defense contracts and give'em to people who gave him money and bought him boats and all that. He oughtta be ashamed of himself. I know his momma taught him better and I'd say he told his kids different too. Well... the only redeeming thing might be if he takes alotofthem other politicians with 'em. The damned elephants in Washington are shittin' all over the place.

Cheney and Rice Are Torturin' Me

Our sweet little Secretary of State, Condie Rice (who's always lookin' out for Bush) is goin' around the world sayin' we don't torture people. We all know they don't torture people. They beat the hell out of 'em. And they don't bring up the S+M parties either. I seen them pictures that come outta prison Iraq with them American soldiers.

Now I'm all for beatin' the hell outta someone every now and then but the gubment prolly shouldn't oughta doit and I reckon they are. Of course I've often wanted to chain whip a few of our elected officials anyway. Lock 'em in bathroom with me after a few bowls a beans... I'll show 'em what torture is.

Anyway... I reckon Bush and Dick don't give a damn about us, let alone any people from a foreign country. Hell... these folks beat children...yep...12 year old boys in prison...treat 'em like soldiers. All they need is an asswhoopin by their Mom and they'll be fine. I reckon' Rummy knows about it too. Wouldn't surprise me if done gone over their and whooped a couple of them kids hisself... make him feel like a man.

Well, those sonsabitches ought to all be brought up on charges of terrorism. I know I don't feel any safer since they took office. They got our country attacked and then picked a fight they shouldna.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I reckon...

I reckon' I'm a headin' to bed. Any you folks got anything to say... you say it here.

Makin' money...

I reckon I'm gonna put some ads and stuff up here directly. One thing about most rednecks is they ain't got a lotta money and we sure as hell need more. So I guess I could ask y'all to send me money but ya prolly won't. So when I put them ads up, click on 'em and buy stuff.

What Is A Liberal Redneck

Before I can ramble about whatever in the hell I want, I reckon I need to go into exactly what a liberal redneck is.

One definition of liberal is broadminded. I reckon I'm that. I guess I aint' got nothing against no one. Just don't piss me off and I reckon we're square.

Jeff Foxworthy, redneck laureate, described being a redneck as a glorious lack of sophistication. I've been accuse a that before too. So I reckon you could say I broadmindedly lacked sophistication. So there ya have it ... the liberal redneck.

Anyone got anything to say about it?